Jeni Fairey

Whether you are a school, college, university or higher education establishment or an enthusiastic individual looking to expand your skills, I can offer a tailor-made course to suit your needs.

This can range from working alongside an art teacher with school children to introduce them to having fun and being creative with clay to an in-depth, technical portrait sculpting course which I can run independently of teaching staff if desired. If you currently teach life drawing classes, I can teach anatomy and body sculpting to complement this learning.
In the first instance, I begin with an initial consultation with the teaching staff to understand their exact needs and from this I develop a unique lesson plan to suit requirements.
“A brilliant job! .... the students felt that they had learnt a huge amount in such a short time, once again many thanks” - Allan Sly, Course leader, Wimbledon School of Art
Click here to read more testimonials.
Alongside working on my private commissions I also offer one-to-one tuition at my workshop in the rural Chilterns. This again is always tailored to an individual's requirements and has included teaching anatomy and head sculpting techniques to a Forensic Facial Imaging artist who worked for the FBI to help identify crime victims.
"Thanks again for all your wonderful instruction: the first sculpture I did when I got back from studying with you was identified!" Lisa, Forensic Facial Imaging, FBI.
To book a course, to discuss private tuition or for any further information, please contact Jeni.